Updated Needs List for Western NC 11-23-2024
Wilmington Response
Location and Contact: Camp Unity ATTN Nick Hiteshew 241 Hoot Owl Rd, Spruce Pine, NC 28777
POC for Camp Unity:
Nick 910-274-2523 or Daniel 313-697-2152 – Rachelle 910-622-8020
If people are planning on doing drop offs they should contact the POC name and number above
“If people just want to be boots on the ground and get plugged right into camp you can just send them Nick and Daniel’s phone numbers. Because they’re busy and they don’t always have great service I like people to have my number as a backup.” – Rachelle – 910-622-8202
Volunteer Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdDrEw4u42PaMNjPGqE1jixxc1eB_4slx3GJXAxkPi3ZXAolw/viewform
Items can be dropped off at our warehouse or we can schedule a pickup. Please text 910-622-8202 to get hours for warehouse drop off or to get a pickup scheduled.
These families are so far away from being ok. Their world has been destroyed and we have only begun this journey down a very long road. The needs are huge and urgent. Survival is a daily struggle. Thank you for your continued support.
If you are not local to Cape Fear you can still help! You can order off the Amazon wishlist below and items will be shipped directly to our base camp in WNC.
